Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I miss my little ones

I love this song. I miss my "little" boys. Comforting them when they're sad or afraid. Having them think I'm the coolest person ever. Rocking them to sleep. Singing songs and reading books. Etc. They grow up too fast.


Tasharoo said...

That song makes me sad. Parker has never acted like he "needed" me. Luckily, I have Dex who has been taught that he WILL ALWAYS be my baby. He doesn't mind giving me a kiss or hug in front of anyone and is always so grateful for everything. I tell him all the time... NEVER CHANGE, please! I've been thinking a lot lately about if we made a mistake with only having two? Will they soon leave and never come to visit us? Will they only hang out with their wives' families...I hope not! Well, if that happens Me and You will have to stick together! Love you!

Curly said...

I, too, love your little boys. Though now, the cute factor is punctuated by crazy teenage angstiness, I guess. :) Still cute, and I still miss seeing them, and you! AND I love Vienna.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet song! When my oldest was 11 I told him I wanted him to stay that age forever! I love watching my kids grow up, but at the same time, I miss those moments when they were younger.