Friday, July 18, 2008

It Was Bound To Happen.....

Yep, took it out with the mirror of my car.


temaire said...

Oh no!!!! Was your car okay?

mamaholstein said...

The car is fine. :) I was going really slow and I didn't realize the mailbox wasn't secured on. I was more mad that I had to get out and fix it and get the mail. The whole point of pulling up to it is so I don't have to get out. hee hee! Oh well!!

Tasharoo said...

I feel for you! Your lucky car! We do that on your garage...only the garage doesn't give! We've had to replace the "heated-very-damn-expensive-side-mirror" on the DAMN Tahoe at least 4 times...No, I'm not kidding. John did it the last time so I don't feel so bad. We just keep the mirror pulled in from now on...and our garage is undersized...and I still feel like a DORK. So I don't drive the DAMN Tahoe anymore. That's what it is called a DAMN Tahoe!

Emma said...

Don't feel so bad I've done it quite a few times myself. The real bad part is none of them have been my mail box! oops!!! Yes I did just leave!

temaire said...

Oh my gosh! I have to tell you all that I laughed as I read each of your comments. I am sorry for all of you (and the unsuspecting victims of Emma)!