Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Chiggers! Hate em!!!

The thing called a chigger,
is really no bigger,
than the smaller end of a pin,
but the bump that it raises,
just itches like blazes,
and that's where the rub sets in.

H.B. Hungerford

I think these little guys are all over my hammock!! Last night I was out there enjoying a nice cool breeze (yes, a cool breeze in the south!) and my SONOS and when I came in my legs were covered in bites!! Damn chiggers!


Tasharoo said...

Ticks and Chiggers....IIIIIIIII hate 'em! (remember I grew up in Georgia until I was 8 years old!)...oh! add snakes to my list.

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! Are they like mosquitos? I'm so sorry. And, I'm still trying to talk Troy into coming out and visiting you. He actually talked about MOVING out by you - imagine THAT to my surprise! I must talk about you a lot! :)